Be A Partner

We believe in the strength of partnership and have a track record of standing with our partners in business. We want our partners to prosper.

Business information shared with us in a partnership remains absolutely confidential. That is a company guarantee.

    Enrollment for:

    Enrollment Process

    Bitshield Data Defense Sdn Bhd as distributor agrees to hold all information provided in this enrollment as
    highly confidential. By completing and signing this enrollment form, you are enrolling in All
    program and will be entitled to receive all the benefits of the program. Bitshield Data Defense Sdn Bhd
    as distributor will provide you a partner certification within 15 working days.

    Lead, Active & Inactive Partner

    Bitshield Data Defense Sdn Bhd at its discretion could designate/define (1) Lead Partner or in any other term
    depending on the performance of any partner, (2) Active Partner that is taking any product delivery
    at least once in a 3-month period and (3) Inactive Partner that is not taking any product delivery
    in a 3-month period.

    Partnership Cancellation

    Bitshield Data Defense Sdn Bhd at its discretion reserves the right to cancel any partnership with or without issuing any cause.

    Partner's Acknowledgement

    I endorse that the above information provided by me is true & correct and fully understand & agree
    to be abided by the terms & conditions prescribed herein and duly sign on this partnership enrollment

      Enrollment for:

      Enrollment Process

      Bitshield Data Defense Sdn Bhd as distributor agrees to hold all information provided in this enrollment as
      highly confidential. By completing and signing this enrollment form, you are enrolling in All
      program and will be entitled to receive all the benefits of the program. Bitshield Data Defense Sdn Bhd
      as distributor will provide you a partner certification within 15 working days.

      Lead, Active & Inactive Partner

      Bitshield Data Defense Sdn Bhd at its discretion could designate/define (1) Lead Partner or in any other term
      depending on the performance of any partner, (2) Active Partner that is taking any product delivery
      at least once in a 3-month period and (3) Inactive Partner that is not taking any product delivery
      in a 3-month period.

      Partnership Cancellation

      Bitshield Data Defense Sdn Bhd at its discretion reserves the right to cancel any partnership with or without issuing any cause.

      Partner's Acknowledgement

      I endorse that the above information provided by me is true & correct and fully understand & agree
      to be abided by the terms & conditions prescribed herein and duly sign on this partnership enrollment